A daycare is commonly identified by its name and serves as a school catering to elementary students. A day care or creche is a facility where children are supervised during the day, providing parents the opportunity to return to work. Daycare centers are available in different formats, including center-based daycare, home-based daycare, and Montessori daycare.

Home-based daycare facilities are typically managed by parents in their own homes, offering a more intimate setting. However, they may not provide the same level of educational and social opportunities for children as center-based childcare facilities.

Licensed and accredited daycares in the area adhere to certification standards. Center-based daycares, equipped with more staff and resources, offer additional amenities compared to home-based daycares. They also provide various activities and programs tailored for children.

Montessori daycare is a distinct type of childcare center strongly influenced by the Montessori education philosophy. This approach emphasizes active learning and tailored activities for children in the daycare setting.