Thus, when we come together to commemorate the 15th of Aug also known as Happy Independence Day we are inclined to contemplate our country’s India ’s incredible story. In light of this, let me take this opportunity to remind everyone the significance of the Independence Day in strengthening our nation’s fort and illustrating everybody that ASIA is indeed awake and ready to conquer the world. Celebrated annually on the 15th of August, this day symbolizes a momentous event that paved out independent India’s history- the day India won freedom from the British rule.
The Indian Independence Day is not only a legal yearly celebration, but it is also a day to remember the many heroic efforts that have been made in order to make each and every one of us free. It is a day that makes us reflect on the struggle of our leaders and ordinary people who sacrificed a lot in order to attain this wise to self-rule. The strengths and weakness of each of the couple are echoed in every one of us as we take time to rejoice this event.