While search has long dominated digital advertising, its hegemony is increasingly being challenged by video, which is undergoing a renaissance within media plans.
Although not a new channel, technological developments and the rapid proliferation of video-supporting environments in the form of social and Connected TV (CTV) have propelled the format into the spotlight once again. Indeed, US digital video ad spend is expected to reach $63 billion in 2024, with social video ($23.4 billion) and CTV ($22.7 billion) making up more than a third of budgets.
Video’s strengths have been historically recognized in its performance. Brands can reach highly-targeted, high-value and engaged audiences thanks to attention-grabbing quality and relevant content. However, in today’s digital ecosystem, where ad spend needs to be definitively tied to outcomes, reporting on video has previously fallen short. This is particularly the case in social environments, where viewability is ostensibly high, but control is lackluster, with advertisers often not knowing where their ads are running.

Read Full Article Here :- https://www.martechcube.com/why-control-is-crucial-as-advertisers-explore-the-video-renaissance/

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