Why To Make Your Answers Small ?
Making your answers small is necessary skill for a good performance in your notebook completion. It is an very easy and effective skill which any student can learn, but many students ignore making their answers smaller. They just copy paste the whole answer from the answer key. This skill of making your answers small has many advantages :-

Saves Time :- It is an useful skill which saves a lot of your time which you can spend either studying or playing games. Making your answers small require you to write less and eventually saving a lot of your time.
Keywords :- Making your answers small require you to write only the important keywords which are essential for your answer. This way you can find keywords which you have to learn for the exam and not just the whole answer.
Learning :- If you can find the important keywords in an answer then you can easily learn these keywords. This will reduce your learning work too.
Exams :- It is an skill which require to use your brain while writing instead of just copy – pasting the answer. It helps you to find the important keywords in an answer. If you learn these keywords you can easily make your own answer.
These are the advantages of making your answers small. This advantages are important for every student to score higher and better. Now, lets move to some tips for making answers small so that you can enjoy these advantages.

Tips To Make Your Long Answers Smaller
answer small

1. Using Pronouns
As the name suggest, you should use pronouns in your answer instead of using name more than one time. You should use more than one pronoun for more than one person in a single sentence to take this tip on the next level. You have to use pronoun from the starting of an answer instead of the first noun. For eg,

Manufacturing is a secondary activity. Instead -> It is a secondary activity.
Combination reaction involves two reactants. Instead -> It involves two reactants.
Shivam and Samarth loved this activity. Instead -> They loved it.

2. Avoid Unnecessary Sentences
You should avoid unnecessary sentences while writing an answer to make it small. You should get straight to the point or the question. You have to avoid writing the sentences which are already present in the questions. For eg,

Avoid -> The following are the tips to make your answers small.
Avoid -> The following are the various types of non corporate business.
You have to start your answer directly from the types, points, tips, etc. avoid writing these unnecessary sentences which make your answer bigger.